Saturday, July 28, 2012

Opening Ceremonies

Well today we got up at about 1:30pm so we're slowly making progress!  It's amazing how much this jet-lag affects us.  Maybe by the time we have to fly back home our internal clocks will finally be adjusted to London time!

Last night we took in the opening ceremonies at Canada Olympic House and it was awesome!  The vibe was electric!  I can't really even describe the feeling.  To be there, in London, at Canada House, during the event, with all the other friends and family of the athletes who made the trip, cheering as loud as we could, all dressed up in Canadian garb... was incredible!  And I'm not gonna lie - what made it over-the-top special for me was that my kiddos made it on national TV!  (We saw the cameras and were hoping it would happen - and our chances were pretty good being that 4 out of the 5 kids that were there belonged to us - and cameras love kids!).  Canada House just seemed like THE place to be at that moment in time and we were there!  For Olympic junkies like us, it was truly special.  I can only imagine what the actual athletes were feeling as they were parading in!  It was truly an intense, and incredibly emotional and happy experience.  When the Canadian athletes entered the stadium, Canada House just erupted!  It was awesome to see Reuben on the big screen as well.  The kids were so excited to see their uncle!

Oh ya, and later on that evening an enthusiastic impromptu chorus of O Canada emerged from the crowd led by somebody standing on a table with his kids!  What a clown.

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